November 4, 2008


Any guesses what Lily was for Halloween? Besides adorable. I didn't hear anyone guess correctly on the first try. Jack was a pain-in-the-butt. Sure he looks happy with the fireman's hat but that was the only thing he would try. The intended Tigger costume made him break out into tears (and sweat in the warm weather). We tried to trick him into wearing "pajamas" and at first he agreed but when he saw the Spiderman shirt and pants he wasn't buying. Beth and her sisters threw an excellent party for the kids and they had fun trick or treating. I even got some satisfactory reactions from the kids when I put on my rubber mask. Jack kept getting distracted by the candy already in his bucket and it was a constant battle to keep him walking. "Dad, explain to me again why are we not stopping to eat all this candy the nice people gave me?"


annie said...

Is Lily a pea pod? Ok, so I already knew that from our conversation- and yes I agree she is adorable. Too bad Jack was not more cooperative I would have liked to have seen him dressed as Tigger. Thanks for posting, Mom

Unknown said...

It looks like a good time was had by all. Hopefully the dental damage will not be irreparable.

emetski said...

Dang, I was ready to guess a pea in the pod, but it looks like grandma beat me to it. Save some candy for me!