Last weekend we jumped in the car and headed to Logan for a couple days. Original plans included skiing the Beav but I elected to sleep in instead. There is something about a Grandma's basement that makes you want to sleep until noon. And the crazy thing is you actually can. Even Jack can't resist the magic of the basement. It was after 9:30 a.m. before we went to make sure he made it through the night. On Friday night Curtis and Jennie and Andy and his lady friend (sorry, just spaced her name) came over with their 1 and 1/2year olds to eat Grandma's spagetti. It was fun to watch the boys "play" together. Which basically means play by themselves while sitting next to the others. When we went to Grandma and Grandpa Emmett's to visit I said to Jack while getting him out of his car seat "let's go see Grandma and Grandpa Emmett." He looked up and around as if to say "where are we? That word "grandma" sure seems to be thrown around a lot lately."
In addition to visiting family Logan gives Beth and I chance to visit a couple of our favorite places. Beth loves the giant used book store next to my favorite place, Norda's. While Beth found 10 books in less than 120 seconds I pick up a new Beach Cruiser. I went with the Robert August . Pretty sweet, eh? Were giving my other cruiser to Beth's Grandpa McEuen.
In addition to visiting family Logan gives Beth and I chance to visit a couple of our favorite places. Beth loves the giant used book store next to my favorite place, Norda's. While Beth found 10 books in less than 120 seconds I pick up a new Beach Cruiser. I went with the Robert August . Pretty sweet, eh? Were giving my other cruiser to Beth's Grandpa McEuen.
Jack insisted on trying the raw potatoes he found and was very pleased when his Great Grandma cleaned it up for him
Word on grandma's basement being conducive to hibernation. Especially after getting up at the crack of dawn to run a marathon. Or to cheer someone else on that's running a marathon
We have come to the conclusion that not only is Jack loved by a whole lot of people but that he genuinely deserves it. We were glad to see all of you when you were here.
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