May 27, 2008

Introducing Little Lily Ann

Well she made it and we couldn't be more pleased. Just look at her, isn't she the best?

The adventure actually began last Thursday, May 22. That afternoon Beth had a Dr.'s appointment and she was already dilated to a 3.5. First progress in three weeks since she first dilated. As the afternoon wore on she started having regular contractions, about 5 minutes apart. We dropped Jack Jack off at Grandma and Grandpa McEuens (thanks!) around 5:00 and headed to the hospital. To make a long story short after an hour and a half she didn't progress past a 4 and the contractions didn't worsen so we got the boot.

The nurse suggested a dollar movie and returning later that night if she felt any different. After a light dinner and walking around the mall Beth didn't feel any worse and certainly didn't feel like a movie, even though the 11:15 showing of Indiana Jones wasn't sold out yet. We headed home and Beth slept like a baby, allowing me to sleep like a baby. All things considered not a bad night.

For the next three days we were on the edge of our seats but Lily was in no hurry. Everyday Beth would have a period of an hour or more with discomfort but then it would subside. We past the time with a movie (Indiana Jones which was just what you'd expect from an Indiana Jones movie, lots of fun with a little weird), walks anywhere and everywhere, house preparation/cleaning, cursing Kurt and Jordan for having their baby before us, visiting Kru McEuen and putting on the "we're so happy you had your baby when you're not even due for 10 days after us" face.

Monday morning Jack left for Logan and Memorial day festivities with Grandma and Grandpa Emmett who had flown in the night before. We were treated to an as usual excellent Memorial Day breakfast hosted by Scott and Ann. We resigned to the fact we would have to wait for the induction scheduled for Tuesday morning. That afternoon with no Jack, no chores (at least not in the rain chores), and golf on T.V. it was a foregone conclusion that a nap was not too far behind.

About 2:00 Beth started feeling uncomfortable. Shortly before 4:00 she thought we should go to the hospital. Just as I was driving through town and thinking to myself that I am about to set a speed record for driving the canyon a sheriff pulls in behind me. Son of a gun! I finally have the perfect excuse and before mile 1 have a cop in tow. After a couple miles of the speed limit he pulls me over, proceeds to tell me my registration is expired, I explain that actually it isn't I just haven't put the new sticker on and it will have to wait a little longer because we are on our way to the hospital. He was cool, told us to be careful and sent us on our way. I was careful. I didn't obey the speed limit per se but the canyon was crowded with Holiday traffic and I'm no idiot. I don't want to be that guy that crashes his car with a pregnant wife on the way to the hospital.

At 4:30 Beth gets changed and starts with the barrage of check-in questions. The nurse then checks her and sure enough she's at a 7 or 8. Yay! Beth was so relieved. Dr. Paul administered the epidural about 5:30. Beth's Dr., Dr. Broberg, was conveniently already at the hospital and came and broke her water. 10 minutes later he returned and started putting on his battle armor. Apparently it was already go time. Much faster than with Jack. At 5:45 it was time to start pushing and at 6:05, Lily popped out. She was a day late but just in time for shift change.

She was just beautiful. She looked 100% confused but healthy. Her stats were 8 lbs. 3 oz. and 19.5 inches. Beth was awesome, I sure love my girls.

I will eventually get to the remainder of the story. In answer to your questions: No this isn't the end, yes there is an end, and yes I could have made it longer.


Bridget said...

Yay, Yay, Yay! She's adorable! Congratulations :) Getting pulled over on your way to the hospital is pretty cool. . . I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

Justin said...

She's really gorgeous! Congrats, and great name!

michelle said...

She is beautiful! I'm glad I finally got to see her and I can't wait to hold her... i'll be around and can help out whenever needed! (dinners, etc.) Oh, our actual blog is:

Janelle said...
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Janelle said...

Congratulations on having a second beautiful baby!

Unknown said...

What a relief to have Lily here in person - good job, Beth (and John.) We will have to make a trip to Midway to check her out in person as soon as we can work it into our "busy" schedule (I don't do anything and it take me all day to not get it done.) Congratulations!

Paige said...

We are so happy for you! congratulation's on such a cutie & not getting a ticket! Lorin got pulled over on the way home from the hospital, with my mom in the car & did end up getting a ticket. Great story & great name - we love it!

Katie said...

She is so so so sweet! Enjoy and congrats!

Tiff and Dan said...

Congrats you guys! She is so adorable. Hope you are adjusting to two kiddies!