September 4, 2008

Twilight is for girls?

It's possible that someone somewhere is asking themselves "I wonder what this guy has been reading?" Well, let me answer that for you Mr. Imaginary Person.
There is a general opinion out there that Twilight is for girls. I for one subscribed to that opinion. Sometime last year I picked up a copy for Beth based on the recommendation of few co workers. She got it that night and the next day at work I get a call at 9:00 a.m. (no joke) telling me not to come home unless I had the next book. I don't remember what time she came to bed that night. When I got home my curiosity got the better of me and I asked her what the books were about.
"It's about vampires but they are actually good blah blah blah"
I stopped listening at vampires. But going back to the Twilight is for girls opinion. I started casually asking around if any guys had read the books. A year and half later I had found three guys who had. And I actually respected these dudes opinions. I felt is was now safe for me to try. It's all your fault Justin, Jason, and Brian. Plus the timing was right, I thought I should read before the movie release in November and I needed something to break up the adventures of Scot Harvath novels from one of my new favorite authors, Brad Thor.
I did like the book and plan to read the rest in the series. I'm even kind of excited to do so because I heard they get better. But dudes you need to understand and be prepared, Twilight is absolutely for girls. It's told from the point of view of a girl and it confirms a lot of the things we've long suspected go on their head and we never understand why. It wasn't until page 378 that the action picked up to a point where I wasn't going to put it down and couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen next. It continues to build until the climax when I actually wanted to throw the book out the window. Without giving anything away I can say that right at the climax, Bella, who is telling the story, does a very girly thing and faints. I couldn't believe it. For the most part you find out what happened later on but the movie will have one built in advantage over the book, we'll get to see the action.
One last thing I feel must be put out there. The middle part of the book, I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say over 100 pages, revolves around the love birds asking the dreaded question "what are you thinking?" They find slightly different ways to ask this like:

"I want to know what your thinking."
"Will you promise to tell me what you are really thinking?"
"What's going through your mind?"
"I'm thinking I wonder what you're thinking."

You'd think that the answers, some variation of "how much I love you" or answering with a question "how come you love me?" would be the most bothersome but it isn't, it's the questions. I'm so glad Beth, as much as she hates it, understands my dislike for this question, or at least acknowledges it. The answer for me is really very simple. Both Jerry Seinfeld* and Ray Romano have created entire bits and episodes answering this question. Edward is a much better man than I (no duh! chants the chorus) for encouraging those conversations.

*for what I'm talking about please refer to this clip. The specific part is about 2:40 into the bit. If you listen to the whole thing Jerry will tell you what he likes about Chinese people as long as he is on the subject.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the post - it is nice to know your inner feelings. Plus Jerry Seinfeld has always been a favorite of mine. See you at the race.

Paige said...

Haha - I didn't even have to watch the clip to know what you were referring to. :) So funny. Also good to know that you have read Twilight. Molly is worried about one of her friends going to the dark side when she heard he was reading it.

Brian said...

What's next? Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants?

The Martz Guppies said...

Hey john- this is Kayla (Beth's Cousin). So, I have a fourth person who has read the Twilight series....My Husband. He too wanted to know what all the "Hype" was about.
He has not read the latest book becuase I am still reading it. I'll let you know what he thinks.

Justin said...

If I'm the aforementioned Justin, let me confess that I gave up on the book at about page 61. It was at that point that Bella, within about three pages, described Edward's dreamy voice about seven times, using such masculine adjectives as "velvet" and "musical."

Wendy's going to have to DRAG me to this movie...

J.J. said...

You are SOOO FUNNY! I love it. My husband read the series too-- curiosity got the best of him. Especially when I threw the book down totally irritated I spent so much time reading all three books when it ended on Jacob just leaving! My sister recommended them...So...I didn't know that wasN'T the end and to my surprise and annoyance there was another book...and We picked up the last book in the UK when it came out. Good fun. Good ol' Jerry! Love it! Say hi to Beth for me...Little Lily is soooo cute! Jack is a lot like Scotland the rocks were the highlights! Hope you guys are great! Luv ya!

A and M said...

I applaud you John! I only had to read Adam a couple blurbs from the books before he understood what was going on. He would actually make up lines that Bella & Edward would say to each other but they were pretty spot on!
I really hope my mind is not like Bella's, she drives me crazy!

"They're not plowing 40 acres with a couple of pool cues"

Christina said...

why didn't you pass on the reading thing to Jameson when you all roomed together?! I would LOVE him to read...ANYTHING...especially Twilight! The last & only, I believe, book he read was Angels & Demons followed by the first chapter of The DaVinci Code. BTW--we love your blog, I now totally get why Derek was always telling me "john is dang funny"!!