April 20, 2008


  • Beth had a second ultrasound and the countdown ticker to the right may be a couple weeks off. And depending what you are looking at it could be early or late. Based on Baby Girl's head she could go into labor the beginning of May. Based on Baby Girl's legs she and Beth could share a birthday in the middle of June. Taking everything together the baby looks healthy and the calculated date was May 19th. We are hoping to cook the baby at least until Memorial Day. Short legs and a big head? That sounds like it could be an Emmett.

  • Jack continues to love life. Seriously the kid is just perpetually stoked to be alive. It's a contagious attitude. One of our favorite things he has been doing recently is reading by himself. Only he won't read his kid books by himself. Those are only for mom and dad to read with him (as many times in a row as they can stand). He requires at least 300 pages and no pictures for his books. A couple times he has gone upstairs, pulled a book off the shelf, come back down to give Beth whatever book she happens to be reading that day and then sit next to her as they "read". Anymore he doesn't even need to be sitting next to us. We'll look up and he's climbed into the single chair to snuggle up with such classics as I, Elizabeth, Sahara, and A Summer to Remember. I find it interesting that he doesn't even require the book to be right side up as he reads. Now if we could only get him to talk.


      Anonymous said...

      gee, I wonder where he gets it?? does he know anyone who only reads 300+ page books? He is so funny, he is entering the cutest stage of babyhood. My kids both started talking at about 18 months. He'll get there!

      emetski said...

      How you must struggle to find two cute pictures of young Jack to post. Tell him I'm half way through the latest adventures of Jack Reacher, complete with English spellings of words like "tyre". I'm sure he'll enjoy it as much as his dad and grandpa.

      Unknown said...

      Don't knock it - just be grateful he knows what a book is and is comfortable with them. Later on you can worry about talking or reading or what ever else seems important.