January 30, 2008

Stupid Flossing

I returned to the dentist for the first time in too long and it turns out that if you floss the night before it doesn't convince the dentist you've been flossing all along.


noelle said...

it doesn't? i'm SHOCKED! want to know a tip? my hygenist once told me she could tell i was a regular flosser because when she flosses a someone's teeth after a cleaning the tongues of those that floss regularly follow the floss around and help push it out from between the teeth.

btw, i never in my life imagined i would write the word "floss" or derivation thereof that many times in one sentence.

johnEboy said...

That is interesting. I wonder if I can learn that trick.

Anonymous said...

that's funny. last time I had a dentist appt Greg laughed at me because I flossed three days in a row before I went. those dentists, how can they expect you to floss everyday? and brushing your teeth for two minutes each time- yeah right, I tell Greg he is the only person on earth who does that.

Steve Bates-Cahow said...

What you need to do is start flossing about 2 weeks before. Not every day but at least every other day.

They will never know.

Justin said...

I too am a death-bed flosser. Once every six months is the best I can do.